Discovering the Joy of {Code}: A Series

Kristin Ponsonby
2 min readJun 22, 2021


So now that I’m in my 3rd phase (of 5) of my bootcamp program at Flat Iron School, I’m starting to feel like my head is above water enough to start digging a little deeper into other topics in computer science besides just object oriented programming. It’s becoming apparent to me that what I’ve learned in the last few months, while it’s felt like drinking water from a fire hose, is actually only the tip of the computer science iceberg. Wild, huh?

I thought it would be fun to do a weekly series called Discovering the Magic of Code. As someone entering tech from a non-traditional background, I am by no means claiming to be an expert, but I certainly know far more than I did 6 months ago. Each week I’ll be writing on one topic I find interesting or noteworthy. I’ve always heard the best the way to learn something is to teach it! So here we go. Let’s learn some fundamentals together. In this series you can expect posts on specific programming languages, data structures, algorithms, AI, the internet, computational complexity, and other topics as I discover them and get excited about them. Thanks for joining me on this wild ride that is entering the tech space. Stay tuned!

